Reviews, Reveals, & More

This Gray Canvas | sneak peek and book review

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7 thoughts on “This Gray Canvas | sneak peek and book review

  1. Oh wow. This sounds SO GOOD! Totally hope to buy it sometime! Great book review! And the sneak peek is so intriguing!!! And congratulations to Jaidie on the book release!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, our blogs both reflect our favorite colors! Mine is green haha! 😆

      Same, I’d never heard of monochromatic vision either before her book!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What excites you most to read this book? Do you ever paint or draw? Are you better at portraits or landscapes? Have you heard of monochromatic vision? What’s your favorite color?
    I love books about people who are special. (Especially since my best friends are adopted, and one is deaf.) So I’m excited about that. I do a little art but it all ends up pretty horrible except my portraits. No, I haven’t, (One question, have you heard of anemia? It’s something I learned about for a book of mine and no one knows what it is!) I like purple.
    Ya know what’s ironic? Two days ago I found out about Jaidie’s blog and subscribed! I didn’t even know you knew who she was!
    I’m super excited for this, and for Jaidie! I’m praying all goes well.


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