Celebrations · Tags and Challenges

I need your help with a special interview ✨ (+ Editing Adventures Tag!)

Subscriber Interview…

Hello! Today I have some exciting news… at the moment, I’m only 3 away from 50 followers!!! *squeals excitedly* I’m so honored and thrilled by all the support and interest you’ve given this blog! Thank you so very much! 😀 Seriously, you all have made this so rewarding. ❤️ I can’t wait to see how this grows in the future (and I’m counting on three more people to subscribe soon to make it officially 50… 😉 )

The reason I need your help? Well, I had the maybe or maybe not brilliant idea of hosting a bookish interview of sorts with you, where you get to answer the question(s) of your choice, and then I’ll collect the answers and feature them on my blog in the official celebratory post.

So if you’re a follower of this blog, please join the fun by taking a quick moment to fill the form below! Answer however many or few questions you want! The button below will take you where you need to go. 😉

If you really can’t use the Google form (though I don’t think you even need to have a Google account to fill it), message me in the Contact Form page, and I’ll find another way for you to answer the questions of your choice!

Thank you so much, my amazing friends!!! By the way, for my newsletter subscribers, I’m sorry your newsletter hasn’t come yet… *sheepish laughter* But, not to worry – I’m sending it today! Now for the Editing Adventure Tag, which I decided to combine with this post, because why not?

Editing Adventure Tag

The Rules

  • Link back to the original site. ( https://kristinahallauthor.wordpress.com/ Thank you for making the tag, Kristina!)
  • Thank the person who tagged you. (Thank you so much, Sisters Three!)
  • Include the lovely graphic.
  • Answer the ten questions.
  • Create ten new editing-related questions of your own or stick with the questions you answered.
  • Tag however many of your fellow writers you want.

What’s the goofiest correction spellcheck has suggested you make (nothing profane, please)?

*thinks hard* I know there are plenty but I can’t remember any, sadly.

What’s your most embarrassing typo?

‘Now’ instead of ‘know’? Alas, I know there have been actually embarrassing ones but I can’t remember any!

What is your record number of complete edits on one project?

I don’t know… I have about three books (two of those are literally unfinished – like, I didn’t finish writing the first draft) that I’ve done several edits on, maybe 6 or 7 rounds. Alas, I never thought to count them. 😀 

When is a project good enough for you?

Never. Most of the time, I’d say “barely tolerable” is how I view any finished projects. *winks* But it’s weird, cause I also love the finished projects. Yes, I see how much they fall short of what they could be in my imaginations, but hey, they’re still my babies, as writers seem to say. 😉 😀 

On a more realistic note, a project is good enough for me when I’ve truly done my best and I don’t see any other ways I can improve it – after having gotten all the feedback I can from beta readers, etc.

Do you live in fear of finding a typo in your published work (novels, short stories, blog posts, etc.)?

Yes, even though I’ve only published blog-related stuff. (Wait, fanfics count too, I’m assuming.) And yes, I always go back and edit the published post when I find the typo. But when I see a typo on other people’s things, I never mind it. Urgh, perfectionism and double standards, lol.

What mistakes or writing styles drive you the craziest (when you’re reading)?

The writing style of 3rd person omniscient. I haven’t read many books where head-jumping is pulled off so fantastically. It can tend to feel abrupt and estrange you from the characters. *in my opinion*

Have you ever written in a library book to correct a typo?

I don’t think so. Notice that I’m not 100% sure. Lol, I seriously just can’t remember.

Can you edit and write in the same day?

Yes. I can.

Should I? Well, that’s another matter entirely.

What’s your favorite part of editing?

Getting to enrich the story and make it more polished. And that includes line edits, even though those can be super annoying. I mean, in general, I just love playing with words.

What’s your least favorite part?

Anything changing the plot itself is scary. And thus my least favorite part. Though I will admit, I love chasing “plot bunnies” and exploring with different paths the story can take, different backstories, etc. I also hate editing boring sections/sections I’ve been over again and again, as well as deciding whether to keep, delete or rewrite something.

My Questions

  1. How often do you read books (not written by you) and find yourself mentally editing them?
  2. What’s your overall editing process like?
  3. Do you follow the same editing process each time?
  4. What word have you misspelled for most of your life? (There has to be one, right?)
  5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy line edits?
  6. Do you tend to over-edit?
  7. Why do you love or hate editing?
  8. Do you ever print your WIPs to edit them, or do you only edit from a device?
  9. Are there times you misspell your own name? (Tell me I’m not the only one!)
  10. In your opinion, which round of edits are the most rewarding?

I’ll leave an open tag, so if you’re reading this post, feel free to snag this for yourself!

Oh, the life of a writer. 😀 I hope you liked reading this, and remember: take a quick moment to answer the questions of your choice for the subscriber interview! Until next time, I want to know… Do you write in library books to correct typo?s typos? (I can’t believe I just had a typo writing “typo.”) What word did you once constantly misspell? (For me, it was “necessary”. Among others, of course.) How do you feel about needing to change things to your story’s plot? When is a project good enough for you? How do you feel about gifs – love them or hate them?

39 thoughts on “I need your help with a special interview ✨ (+ Editing Adventures Tag!)

  1. Will there be a form where we can get to ask you questions about you and your blog? 😉

    Y’know, I used to like editing…until I began doing the edits on DECEIVED. I think I’ve changed my mind now. And third person omniscient is super annoying. I think I’ve read one series where it’s done well. If I pick up a book and it’s in that writing style, I immediately put it back down.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh, that’s a good idea, thank you!! Then I’ll definitely do a part 2 for that!! 😀 😉

      Oh poor you, lol… that makes sense! YES – I’m glad someone else agrees! It’s just so rare for it to really be done well.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have a love/hate relationship with changing major points of my plots. Sometimes, it’s really fun to watch the twists and turns. Then it gets really annoying when you’re deep in the edits and realize you have to do this massive overhaul that changes everything … yeah, that’s rough.

    But I agree! 3rd person omniscient is such a hard type of POV to pull off. I don’t think I could ever do it …

    And congrats on nearly having 50 subscribers!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh yes, exactly!! I agree, it’s often a lot of fun to see how it twists and turns, but then… it quickly gets annoying and stressful. *sighs*

      It is hard!! Yeah, I don’t think I could. XD

      Aww thank you, Vanessa!! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. (1) CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!!!!!! (2) Fantastic answers to the tag!!! 😀 (3) DARCY GIFS ARE A MUST AND THAT’S THAT. (4) This interview sounds AH-MAY-ZING!! *runs off to answer the questions* <3333

    Liked by 1 person

  4. CONGRATS!!! Hope you get there soon! (if i could re-follow three times i would, but i don’t think that counts… XD) I submitted some answers and i’m super excited for that post! I have never written in a library book. Feels like vandalism. XD Ugh, i constantly misspell a lot of words. i don’t really have one particular one in mind but I used to misspell Jewel a lot. XD idk if that changed. I think it did bc i remembered to spell it correctly just now… or did i? loll Well, i’m currently editing like my first 1000+ word story so i’m going to try and keep the plot the same just so i don’t get overwhelmed by all that stuff. XDD And since this is my first project (I wrote a 500 word story that had to be under 500 words so i really didn’t edit that one. XDD) i do not yet know when it will be good enough for me. XD Ehh, depends on the gif. if it’s some random one, i don’t really like it. Unless it’s those cute bears!! XDD But if it’s based on a movie or celebrity i like, totally!! XDDD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahhh THANK YOU, Rylie!!! (Aww!! XD) Yayyy, your answers were awesome – thank you for doing that! I know, right? It does feel like vandalism! 😦 (Oof yeah, I think I used to forget the second ‘e’ in ‘jewel,’ lol. You spelled it right in your comment!!)

      Congratulations on your first 1000+ word story!! *cues the applause* 😉 That’s so exciting!!! Mm yeah, I get that. 😀

      Hahaha yes!!! (Those cute bears… ❤ ) I agree! XD

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  5. Not remembering the typos and goofball spellcheck suggestions is totally on par with reality. XD I cannot for the life of me remember those things unless I write them down!
    Playing with words is awesome isn’t it?!?! Especially when you find new and amazing words! (or family members suggest them cause you’re a writer XD)


    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES girl!! Haha I’m glad you relate! (Hmm, now For King and Country’s song “Relate” is playing in my mind… XD) It is awesome indeed!! (Lol exactly 😀 One of the benefits of people knowing you’re a writer 😉 )

      Ahhh THANK YOU, Louise!! (Congratulations to you too – I am SO excited to read your story!!!!) ❤️

      (Also yes, you can absolutely use this idea of a subscriber interview for your own blog!)


      1. (I love that song!! XD)

        You’re welcome!! (The title was amazing, honestly all the titles were soooo epic!)

        (Oh thanks!!! Took me a minute there trying to remember where I’d asked, it was the form 😅 😂)

        Liked by 1 person

        1. (It’s such a good one! XD)

          Ooo so glad you liked the title!! It’s funny, because I was just going to say the same for yours! “Walk the Garden” is delightful! I don’t know why, but that title is so nice to say. 😊

          (Lol yes!!!! 😂)


          1. (Yes! Most of their songs are amazing!)
            Haha!! I’M so glad you liked my title! I finished editing it to 5,000 words exactly, and then realized it needed a name… And let me tell you that was as daunting as writing it all XD I was sitting there, staring at my computer like: okay what’s NOT cheesy?? XDD

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Wow, 5,000 words exactly is pretty cool!! YES. Choosing a title is almost as hard as writing the actual thing for me. I thought of my title early on but I had a lot of doubts about it… in the end I kept it because I just felt like it fit the story well enough. XDD 😀

              Liked by 1 person

  6. Yay!!!! Awesome!!!! So exciting!!!! We filled out the form earlier today…and just now found a moment to comment…lol…been shopping!
    Loved your answers!!!! So awesome! Now instead of know…can so relate girl!
    We do not write in books, period…lol….Um, necessary is definitely one we misspell (actually just misspelled it trying to spell it…lol….) Not really ever…but we do come to terms with it never being good enough once we’ve edited to the best of our abilities! ANd we like gifs! They’re fun!
    Again, congrats on almost 50 subscribers!!!! Your blog has grown so fast! (Do you have a secret? Lol…)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for filling out the form!!! (Your answers were awesome!! 😀 ) Lol, that’s fun!! So glad you enjoyed it!!

      Haha!!!! Yes – coming to terms with it never being good enough is a great way to put it. Because once you’ve edited it as well as you can, there’s nothing more you can really do (outside of getting outside help like beta readers or editors, of course)! (Yay!! They are fun!!)

      Aww thank you so much!!! 😀 (Lol if I do have one, I’m woefully unaware of what it even is… 😂)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Of course! It was super fun! And it gave us something to do while we waited on the oil change…haha… (Thanks!)

        Yes! Precisely! (This is very true!)

        🙂 🙂 🙂 (lol…thought we’d ask…haha…it’s probably just because you’re so awesomely amazing! And your posts are incredible! <3)

        Liked by 2 people

  7. Great post, Saraina!! This tag is so much fun, and I’m going to answer the questions now. 😀 ALSO CONGRATS ON FIFTY FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!

    *randomly answers one question* One word I constantly misspell is “the”. No joke. If I’m not writing it, my fingers are usually flying so fast over the keyboard that I consistently spell it “teh” instead of “the” and have to go back and edit once my brain catches up with what I just did. XD


    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is so fun!! Ooo yay, I’m glad you’re going to steal it! 😀 (THANK YOU!!!!!! 😀 )

      Lol yes, same!! I’m always misspelling “the,” but I’m just now realizing it!! Haha… the downsides of typing super fast. 😜

      *high fives you* THEY DO.


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